MBAPundit: Columbia Business School, Fall 2007

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

End of Week 1

Today was more OG day, I did 15 questions from each section except for RC, from which I did 6, adding up to a total of 66 questions. I got all the 6 RC questions right and atleast 1 question wrong from each of the other 4 sections. The RC passage (I did only 1) was relatively easy, related to excavation of artifacts in Cyprus and the impact of open market trading on illegal diggings. I somehow find it easier to tackle science/history passages than the ones which involve trade unions and labor laws.

Anyhow, coming back to the questions, I made some silly errors in Data Insufficiency just because I didnt read what was being asked. Focus and stamina over a 3 hour period on the GMAT is key and I need to sustain that. I caught myself looking at the watch twice today, wondering when my 2 hour study time would end.

With those 2 hours also ended my first week of GMAT preps. Its been a satisfactory first week and I did have fun everyday with the practice questions but I have ways to go. Its been fun reading up on schools, other blogs (Dave, Beat the GMAT, and others), thinking about potential essay content for schools, debating which recommenders to use and pondering over personal and career goals.

Overall a good close to week 1 and now onto week 2!


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